Friday, October 16, 2009

Investing for the powerful Loonie

This is Jeff Wareham, ScotiaMcLeod Wealth Advisor, with some thoughts
for investors outgrowing their mutual funds.

It has been a fascinating week, with the Dow breaking through 10,000,
the Loonie back near par with the US dollar, gold at record highs, and
oil surging. As time goes by, Canadian investors have to consider the
strength of our dollar. First, it has a significant impact on our
domestic industries. Second, global investment returns may be dragged
lower by currency appreciation. This is most obvious with investments
in the US, where most of this year's gains have been lost to Canadian
currency appreciation. If our dollar remains strong, you need to have
a strategy to manage this risk. Tune in to AM 980 tomorrow morning, for
Beyond Funds Market Weekly, as I offer some ideas to protect your
portfolio from the risks posed by the powerful loonie.

Do you want to discuss your alternatives?
Have you outgrown your mutual funds?
For a review your portfolio, or a complimentary copy of my CD, visit, or call me, Jeff Wareham, at 519 660 3260. This
program is for information purposes only. Fees, management fees and
commissions may be associated with mutual fund investing. Investors
should consult their prospectus before investing. Views expressed are
those of the author, not Scotia Capital. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of
Scotia Capital, member CIPF

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