Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17, 2008

This is Jeff Wareham, ScotiaMcLeod Wealth Advisor, with some thoughts for investors outgrowing their mutual funds.

After touching bear market territory yesterday, the Canadian markets officially joined the global slide in equities. The most common question I am asked is, “What’s going on?” Today we hear that a US money market fund has suspended withdrawals for a week…you may be justified wondering “Is my money really safe?”

There are many causes of the current sell off, but the key is to have a long term strategy, and work with an advisor to ensure that your plan is consistent with your investment decisions.

Please visit my blog on AM980’s’s web site, for an in depth review of this very subject

Have you outgrown your mutual funds?

For a review your portfolio, or a complimentary copy of my CD, visit, or call me, Jeff Wareham, at 519 660 3260.
This program is for information purposes only. Fees, management fees, and commissions may be associated with mutual fund investing.
Investors should consult their prospectus before investing. Views expressed are those of the author, not Scotia Capital. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc, member CIPF.

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