Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Free copy of Gordon Pape's latest book.

Come in for a second opinion, or recommend someone who needs one, and receive a free copy of Gordon Pape's latest book.

Quantities are limited, so reply early.

Have the recent markets made you feel less confident about your investments?

If so, then maybe you need a Second Opinion
The recent market volatility has many individuals wondering if they have the right plan in place to meet their long-term financial goals. If you are among this group, then perhaps it’s time for a Second Opinion – one that puts You First.

If you answer ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’ to three or more of the following eight statements, then perhaps it’s time to review your current investment portfolio with a qualified professional.

You have a financial plan that is current and specific to your individual needs.
You know how much money you will need in order to live the life you want when you retire.
You know what your rate of return was on your investments last year and the potential risks of your investments.
Your financial advisor has reviewed your portfolio with you within the past 3 months and has discussed the effect of recent market trends on your portfolio.
Your total financial solution is being looked after, including your estate, trust, protection and tax needs.
Your advisor offers the expertise of a team of professionals that specialize in areas beyond investing.
You understand how compensation is paid to your financial advisor.
You are getting the service and communication you need and deserve from your financial advisor.
Please call us today to arrange a complimentary, no obligation review of your portfolio. Putting your needs first to achieve your personal, financial goals is our commitment to you.


• Investments • Financial Advice • Protection
• Estate & Succession Planning

This publication has been prepared by ScotiaMcLeod, a division of Scotia Capital Inc. (SCI), a member of CIPF. This publication is intended as a general source of information and should not be considered as personal investment, tax or pension advice. We are not tax advisors and we recommend that individuals consult with their professional tax advisor before taking any action based upon the information found in this publication. This publication and all the information, opinions and conclusions contained in it are protected by copyright. This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part, or referred to in any manner whatsoever, nor may the information, opinions, and conclusions contained in it be referred to without in each case the prior express consent of SCI. Scotiabank Group refers to The Bank of Nova Scotia and its domestic subsidiaries. ™ Trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia.
™ Trademark used under authorization and control of The Bank of Nova Scotia. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc., member CIPF.

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